Rectification deed is a document correcting the
mistakes of facts in the original/principal deed. Mr.Sampath had negotiated to
purchase a residential site at Peenya for Rs. Four lakhs and
got the sale deed registered. After receipt of the sale deed, he
found,that the dimensions of the area are wrongly mentioned in the schedule as
East to West 40' and north to south as 30' instated of East to West 30' and
North to South 40'. Mr. Rajagopal had a similar problem in the sale deed,
the boundaries of property purchased are wrongly mentioned.
The case of Narasimhan is slightly different; he
has purchased two different properties from a common vendor under a common sale
deed including both the properties under single schedule. Mr. Narasimhan was for a
pleasant shock to find that encumbrance certificate did not reflect the sales
in respective property schedules, but was combined under a single property
schedule. Such instances are many. Many mistakescreep into the sale deeds, as they are not properly verified andcompared with the title deeds,revenue records, and at times are not drafted byprofessionals/advocates. Sometimes, the
area of the property, survey numbers, location, boundaries, municipal numbers, description
and number of floors, are wrongly written. Names of parties may be
mis-spelt, amount of consideration may be wrong, easementary rights may
not have properly dealt. In many cases, the real contention of parties to
the deed may not have been reduced into writing. Such mistakes,
errors in the deeds should be corrected by another document. This is
called rectification deed. It is equitable relief granted by Inorder to have deed ofrectification, there must be mutual mistake and the originaldeed does notreflect the true intention of parties.
The Court of equity based on doctrine of mistake. In order
to have deed of rectification, there must be mutual mistake and the
original deed does not reflect the true intention of parties. More important is
that mistake should be of facts and not a mistake of law. But, mistake of
foreign law is considered as mistake of fact. Sections 20 and 21 of
Indian contract act deals with this aspect.
Rectification Deeds are executed on mutual
consent of the parties to main deed, all the parties who have
executed the main deed should join in execution. But real problemlies where the mutual consent is not possible. In
such cases, the recourse is to file a suit under section 26 of Specific Relief
Act 1963. This section provides, where the real intention of the
party is not properly expressed in the documents because of mistake of fact or
fraud, either the party or his representative may institute a suit to have the
deed rectified.
The section alsoempowers the court to direct the rectification of an instrument if the courtsatisfies that the deeddoes not expressthe real contention of the parties.Further
the contract in writing may first be rectified and then if the party claiming
rectification has so prayed, in his pleading and the court thinks fit, may
be specially enforced. This relief will be granted, if it
has been specially claimed. If it has not claimed such relief in his
pleadings, the court at any stage of the proceedings may allow him to
amend the pleadings. This is entirely discretionary and when granted
does not prejudice the rights acquired by the third party in good faith for
If the original deed is registered, the
corresponding rectification deed also requires Registration. The stamp duty and
registrationcharges are payable as prescribed by respective states.
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